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I received Owen’s results. In January 2012, before Easyread, his reading age was 5. In February 2013, once he had finished the program, his reading age was measured as being 6 years and 4 months. So a gain of 16 months reading age in just one year!

I am still so pleased with Owen’s progress, because now he is a boy who wants to read rather than a child who would have a tantrum at the mention of sitting down with a book. To be honest I still get tense when I remember those days.

Owen has always loved computers so using Easyread was a great option. He quickly picked up the characters and enjoyed playing the games. The Funky Monkey game for example was great for helping with spellings. We didn’t call the sessions Easyread we just told Owen everyday that “It’s Dave time”

Some days over the 9 months he needed a little more persuading and we still had some tense moments, but Owen is a typical 8 year old boy so I expect them! Doing it at the same time everyday helped with the routine. Owen was and I were always excited when we saw it was a codeword day and have had hours of fun with the fart machine! So all in all it has given Owen the confidence he needed and no matter how much I have tried at home in the past, having a third person ‘Dave’ in the room has relaxed the atmosphere so that Owen no longer felt I was pressuring him. He is now learning on his own.

– S