I was looking for a learn-to-read program that was engaging for my son, as I had tried several other programs that had just missed the mark. Many of the reviews I read prior to signing up were more relevant to correct reading challenges (and yes, I can see why the program would be great for that). I was looking for one for beginner readers for my 5 year old who hadn’t yet started school. The Easyread program was fantastic – it gave a fun structure, that has got him reading at a level I certainly wasn’t anticipating, and also gave me a way to assist with more complex words when we are reading books in our own time. We have done over 120 lessons now, and my son enjoys the games involved still (which is amazing in itself!). I also appreciated the parent training and awareness of what to look out for, and how to address issues seen. I do recommend this program to other parents – it was great for my young one whose attention is not easily held. – J.