ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795) { echo ''; } ?>

Lastly, he starts college this week to commence his Diploma in Applied Science (Forensics) which will keep him quiet for a couple of years.

The boost that gaining confidence in his reading and riting has given him is trememndous – he ended up with the euivalent of 11 grade C and 2 grade B passes at GCSE. Quite a turn around in 8 months after looking set to struggle to reach 5.

As well as the possibility of a Forensics career or similar he is being courted by the local Poluce (for whom he is a Cadet) and Marks and Spencer for their Management Trainee Scheme (he’s been working for them over the holidays and is continuing part time during college).

We feel that all of that is due to the boost that your amazing programme has given him.

If you would like to use any of the content of this email as a testimonial please feel free

