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Hi David and Sarah
Let me tell you about Easyread. You have been helping me all the way through Easyread thank you for that. I have learnt so much in the last couple of months. I hope you can teach other children to read just like me because I am so good at reading now. I hope some other children around the world or the UK read just like me.

You have helped me so far I am very happy that you have taught through the lessons. Thank you very much for teaching me all the days, months and hours you have put in for my reading.

when I started I couldn’t decode very well and now I can decode words quiet fast. I loved every second of doing this Easyread even when I said I didn’t want to do it. From the start it felt like there were too many hard words in Easyead. At first i could hardly read books and now i can read some hard words, i can decode and i just really love picking up a book and starting to read it.

It feels great to pick up a book and start reading. At first i would give myself 1.5 out of ten for reading now i would give myself 7 out of ten.
From Henry