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Lilys progress has been amazing, she was struggling at school and I was called in on several occasions. Lily couldn’t remember her sounds or letters. The SENCO was and has been very supportive, and after each visit she would send me home with several things for Lily to work on, none of which really helped.

They were very concerned about her progress and I was worried to the point of sleepless nights and tears!.

Imagine my suprise then, when only a few weeks into Easyread her teachers are writing in her Reading Diary how much she was improving in class. I told them that Lily has been doing Easyread and since then have recommended it to other parents. They even looked into having it at the school but their budget could not allow it.

Since then Lily has gone from strength to strength and has won several awards for her progress, the last one being Best Improved Pupil. Her overall behaviour has also improved and she no longer tries distraction tactics to prevent her from reading.

Lily had just gone on to Stage 3 Biff and Chip – a few months ago ago she couldnt say her sounds….

Lily is getting better at her fluency but she takes her time and we are building on that.

We still have a long way to go but with the help of the team at Easyread and Lily’s hard work I know we can get there.

We are more than happy with the support you have given us and the fact that you are available at the end of the phone is a big plus.

The structure of the course has suited Lily although she struggles with a lot of the words in the Three Little Pigs, (the larger words)but we work on these together.

I love the fact that you tell us when she has done her days work – Fab idea!

Thanks again..

– A