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We LOVE Easyread! What a brilliant program! Killian has come so far already and we look forward to it each day! We had no idea what to expect or if it would work for us with our special needs issues. But your support is far beyond what we ever expected and you have helped us every step of the way- despite being continents apart- to easily make immense progress! Your personalized attention helped us identify each problem before it became a hurdle and you prescribed a fitting and perfect solution/exercise to keep us on track before we suffered from a need. If medicine could diagnose and treat patients the way you do for reading students-health would have grown by leap and bounds.
You have not only developed the recipe for reading success, but your understanding of and ability to identify specific problems and consistently provide specific, individualized support and close follow up keeps students progressing beyond expectation.
We can’t thank you enough Easyread!
-Jeanie, Todd & Killian (age 5)