So the extreme heat in our city is affecting our Internet and I had to tell Jeremy he couldn’t do Easyread tonight. I thought it was odd he didn’t get upset. Then as I making dinner I hear him sounding out words. I turn around and he’s sitting on the couch reading a book! He is only on lesson 51 and I didn’t expect this for at least 2 more months! He proceeded to sound out words with a little help from me, and then he read a second book!

6 weeks ago he could only read ‘the’, ‘and’ and ‘see’ because he had memorized them. He couldn’t sound anything out. Also, he struggled the first 30 lessons because he just couldn’t blend the sounds and I had to help him a lot. But we worked through it, and look at him now!!! This is the 2nd miracle we’ve had from Easyread. I tell you, there is magic in this program!

– B (J, age 6)