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I thought I’d drop you a line regarding some more great news from Cameron and his school.

Cameron completed the Easyread course in April this year and has grown greatly in reading ability and confidence, however the best news was when I went to see his SENCO at school. She stated that after assessing Cameron’s reading level he is now 8 years – not bad for a child of 8.5 years old, who had a reading age of under 6 years before we stated Easyread.

One other point is that the teacher said Cameron has various strategies for decoding words now and uses them all when he finds new or difficult words and this is something else Easyread gave him.

Thanks again so much for all your guidance and assistance last year. As for his helicopter his Dad has improved greatly as a pilot and Cameron is loving this prise when he can get a look in.

Very best wishes to you all. xx