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Alexandra and I have a good routine with the course. She is practising her eye-tracking, which she is doing throughout the day (and completeing the wall chart you sent to her). I have explained why she has to do the eye tracking and she is very keen to keep up the exercises (I think the prize at the end of the 10 days has a lot to do with it!!)

Both Alexandra and I are enjoying the course, and the fact that the lessons are so short isn’t putting Alexandra off. Every morning she log’s onto the computer without even being asked. She is now super at reading the decoding the story in the lessons, very fast (faster than me).

I am very pleased so far and happy that I have taken the course on- no regrets. I feel that I am helping her and hopefully we will see a difference with her day-to-day reading at some point in the future. Thanking you,

– R