We are really sad to be stepping away from the programme, as it has been a brilliant, supportive resource available to us every day for the last few months. When we started, Leo really struggled to read, and had no ability to decode at all. He failed the year one phonics test and was a few years behind in his reading ability. With you help, he can now de code, and he attempts to read everything he used to ask us to read for him. He is also really confident to jump into books. He loved the books in the daily sessions, they were really funny and have given him a newfound desire to read, which he definitely didn’t have before. We have seen a huge improvement, and look forward to seeing him progress further now that he has the basic skill under his belt. All of the DM staff have been so helpful and friendly for us through our journey, we are so so thankful for all of their help and support.
Now he attempts to read everything!
Feb 28, 2017 | Parent Reviews |