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As promised I wanted to let you know how Harry has been getting on. I can’t say so far that he’s missed easy read as he’s been busy and tired with end of term activities! The meeting with his teacher was very positive and she was very pleased with his progress in literacy this year. His reading has really come on and he has progressed 3 levels (sub levels) this year which is amazing. He is now exceeding the expected national age related average for his reading which is great. His confidence and fluency have definitively improved, although he still doesn’t read independently at home unless encouraged to do so. His writing/spelling has also come on not quite at the same rate but I’m sure in time this will follow. He told his teacher that his biggest achievement this year has been his spelling as he has tried his hardest! That really sums Harry up a real hard worker! I have been really proud of his application with easy read and how much it appears to have helped him out. I am just wondering what we do next!

Thanks to all the easy read team for your support throughout the last 18months, I will miss you!