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We would like to say thanks very much for everything during the past year. We found your program to be extremely helpful to Tommaso (and now Sophia).

If we look back over the past year – his progress, and more importantly – his confidence, is tremendous.

He is now reading the Hobbit on his own and is fully confident with his ability.

His spelling abilities have improved – but more importantly he is comfortable with the fact that he won’t be the best speller – and that’s ok.

We would like to continue with EasyRead for the rest of this school year (or until he finishes Black Beauty). He was so excited to receive the helicopter (and all of the rewards) – but he didn’t want to stop!

Once again – a big thanks to everyone at Easyread. We are some of your biggest fans – so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help spreading the word or recommending you to schools,etc.