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It has been a pleasure to do easy read. Sometimes i did’nt want to do it but it has realy helpt me. i started of getting realy cross with having to do easyread but now I dont min my favorit game is eggy because it realy helps my eyes move with out moving my head I will realy miss easyread but i am really prowed of my self all my family is so prowed of me my mum usually read with me because she is home more than my dad i loved working on easyread but now i have to go  i realy like you daved thank you for all the work you’v put into it i realy like all the games you prived for all the children that do easyread i am realy confidant with reading so thank you for all the sporrt you’v given me i will miss you from sopphie

Dear David and team.
By now you will have received an email from Sophie with the final codeword. I asked her to type what she felt and was amazed by the length of e she decided to send, she was almost in tears when she got the message about reaching the end, she was so happy and proud of herself. Apart from 2 words she has spelled everything herself… you can see the improvement in her writing for yourselves! Her handwriting is improving gradually but I think that will be a longer haul.
I want so much to thank you for what this means to both Sophie and the whole family. Reading was such a barrier for her and so stressful for us all, we could see that she was struggling but she became so resistant we were unable to help her. It was so painful to see her so distressed and watch the enthusiasm and confidence being knocked out of her so fast. Once the initial novelty of the system wore off we did have rocky patches during which I had to be the bad guy and make her do the lessons, and sometimes I had to resort to bribery; however the “codewords” were excellent incentive and often managed to nudge a reluctant learner on! Sophie began Easyread last February at that time she was graded as a SATS 1B for her reading, well below what her intelligence would have suggested, in the 10 months she’s been doing the system she progressed to a level 2A by July and has just been assessed as a 3A now…. if I hadn’t been on the journey with her I dont think I would have believed it possible. She is also getting more support through school which is adding to her confidence, but over all even more than the reading ability (and enjoyment she gets from it) I want to thank you for making us a less stressed family and giving Sophie the chance to relax a little and not have to go through school struggling.
I have told other parents about your system when they’ve mentioned literacy issues and I will definitely continue to do so.
I can’t tell you what your system means to me, thank you for opening the door to reading for Sophie.
Warmest regards.