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I just wanted to let you know that in the last week we have seen a really exciting change in Merry’s approach to reading. He is picking up books (Guinness Book of World Records, in particular) and reading short bits without any prompting from us and reading some more complex words. I am SOOOOOOOOO proud of the commitment and effort that he has put into his reading, it has been a long and often tough road for him (with the school’s traditional phonics approach) but he has finally got to that place where it’s all starting to make sense and more naturally coming together. EasyRead has played a very important part in this, changing his approach and attitude to reading and giving him a route in which is fun and works more easily with the way his brain works.

I thought a little bit of good news at the moment is particularly important. Hope you, your family and the EasyRead team stay safe and well.
