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Ryan has improved in confidence and will now try and read out load – he was finding the jungle words boring and is please that he can now finish with that part on the whole he is finding it good even if a little young for him but he just gets on with it and has got into a routine of doing this as soon as home from school normally. School have tested his reading age and he has increased 18 months from Jan when tested to July when re-tested he has also been working on a programme within school to help reading and spelling and on the whole we are pleased we found easy-read and have recomended this to others.
I am a foster carer and other carers often need all the help they can get to help improve reading and education of the children we care for and although Ryan is my Birth child I have reconised this system would be a great help to others who through no fault of there own have not had the opportunity or ability to learn to read and spell well. Thanks again Janet