Hannah’s reading is definitely improving still, and I would say ‘she can read’. She is more and more confident, and is now reading chapter books with much less trepidation. It is still effort for her, but I would say that there is a marked difference that has happened over the past few weeks.

So, Hannah is now reading ‘Journey to the River Sea’ for school, which is fabulous (we had read it before, with her dad reading to her, but she is now reading it herself). And she is feeling comfortable with it. But she had to write a book report on it. Which she really struggled with, both the physical act of writing that much, and also the spelling. No problems whatsoever with narrative and characters. A bit disorganised in terms of structure and reference, but I was pretty impressed. She also seems to be getting the Ungar narrative very easily.(better than me … I have to get her to explain it to me :-). (I might get her to write a synopsis of the story, as practice for writing …)

So basically she is still enjoying Easyread a great deal, and I think still continuing to make progress.