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Molly has really settled into a morning routine of doing her Easyread lesson. Her confidence is growing all the time and her decoding has improved greatly. Overall the guessing has dramatically decreased. She is asking less and less for help with tricky words.

Molly loves the games – she is still tending to stick to the easy level but I think that is a confidence issue more than anything else and I am hoping that as she continues her confidence will grow as will her self-belief.

In this past week I have noticed a change in her approach to school books, which she is now reading with much more clarity, enthusiasm and confidence. Everytime she brought a new book home she has read the entire book to me. Molly has never been keen to read a school book from start to finish in one go before so I am really pleased.
She was thrilled this morning to learn that same has gained a new prize.

– P