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Eva is doing very well and making progress. She is a lot more confident when she brings school books home and she doesn’t cry when asked to read, which used to be a regular occurrence. She is a lot more confident and will sometimes go and choose a book without being asked and try and read it independently.

She did make a little film which we posted on your facebook page and it really sums up how she feels. Before she did Easyread, she would NEVER have spoken about reading in such a positive way so I do know that her progress in reading is down to 4 months of Easyread.

We are so pleased with her progress and she really is a happier girl. We also moved her from her school as they had totally zapped her confidence by keeping her back from all assemblies (including music/singing assemblies, which she was really good at). Her new school is so much better, very supportive and we have been singing the praises of Easyread to them! Thank you! It’s a brilliant programme!

– J