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Luca is on lesson 170 and has been working so hard in Easyread since we started. I have been so proud of him and have enjoyed seeing his reading develop.
We had parents evening this week so I was intrigued to see what difference it was making at school. His teacher told us his latest test results which as standardised results were 106 for maths and a whopping 118 for Reading. I was in shock when the teacher told me. I asked her for his results from the beginning of the year, they were maths 95 and reading 91! What a leap upwards. Luca said he thought he didn’t do all that well in the test because it felt quite easy! Easyread!
I am so grateful that I found your programme. I can also see that his confidence is developing alongside his reading. So nice to see. I was quite worried about him at the beginning of the year but now I don’t feel I have to.
Can you create easyhandwriting next?

– M