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Sophie is continuing to do well with her English at school now and is progressing rapidly through her reading book levels at school. We are noticing that she continues to find seeing patterns (times tables, spelling rules etc)difficult and she is getting extra support at school to help with this and her writing is still hard work for her. However, she is now much more able to express her ideas and her confidence is growing… not least because even with these areas of difficulty she is predicted to end the school year above national average in both Maths and English…. a massive achievement and down to all her hard work and perseverence. I think I hardly need to say how proud we are of her.
Anyway, I hope that all is going well for you all and that the move on to bigger will not force you to lose the individual attention and involvement with each child. I certainly recommend the system to anyone who is finding that their child is having difficulties or is even just resistant to reading.
With best regards