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We are starting to see such a difference with Ava. She really is enjoying your program and we are enjoying the confidence that’s coming with it.

She was so surprised on yesterday’s lesson when she was reading, and then the next page had no text, just the symbols! I wish I had captured her facial expression, it was great, lol.

And she did quite well. She has been decoding and using the symbols to decode, so there wasn’t any difficulty. And at the end she asked if eventually she’d be taught how to spell through this system. When I said I believe so, her smile grew so big.

Her French tutor is happy with her progress as well, she is coming along very nicely with her French. He is teaching her sounds and syllables (as they teach sight reading at her school, which baffled our tutor), so it’s working hand in hand with this system.

The other night she was actually reading off the television! That has never happened before. And last night she read an entire French book to me before bed (with a little help). I couldn’t believe it.

There is also a book fair at school this week and she was right in there, looking for books ‘at her reading level’. Not books that she’d like me to read to her, but books she wanted to read on her own.

We are still a ways off, but her confidence is rising, and she is more fluid then before. Ava’s Tues teacher told me she is quite determined (which is lovely to hear). Oh there is so much to tell, but I will stop there.

Thank you very much. I’ve been singing your praises to many parents with struggling readers here. I don’t know if any will look into you program, but I really wish they would.

