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We have been doing this course over the summer holidays and I can say that the fact that I have managed to get Ollie to do any of the lessons is a great sign ! we took a little break whilst on holiday as we didn’t have an internet connection in our apartment and getting back into it was a little tough but after 3 days Ollie has got his confidence back. He is getting much better at breaking words down into their sounds and attempting to read words that he wouldn’t normally try. He uses both the pictures and words so I think that is a good sign too. He is heading back to school on 7th and I think that will help him to focus on this system. As I mentioned earlier , I have struggled to get Ollie to read the school books he was given , but I have managed to get him to do this on the whole which is great from my point of view. The only thing that Ollie really doesn’t like is the Mushroom Picker….not sure why, but he gets quite upset if this game comes up …is there anyway we can avoid it? He’s just flown through this last lesson and was really confident and really enjoyed it , I am hopeful about the next 6 weeks and look forward to it impacting his ‘normal’ reading. I never realised what a slog it is to teach a child to read. I often have my 3 year old on my lap at the same time so I’m hoping he’s picking this up too and he’ll be easier to teach. I feel sorry for children who have no help from their parents……I’m pretty patient and keen but even I get tested by Ollie sometimes…..then I remember the spy thing and say we are learning the code together and that really helps!! Sorry for the ramble, hope that’s what you needed . Let me know if I’ve left anything out. Regards, Katherine