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These messages and your personal contact phone calls are what we are liking about the course. These contacts enable me to ensure that I am assisting M with her course to get the very best out of it.

I have been surprised this week with how much quicker she has become in sounding and blending and then saying the words in the story. It is particularly great that you include those naughty words like ‘fart’……oh we laugh so much and she re-decodes and re-reads that line so many times.

M has re-started back at school, two weeks into the new school year, and home readers are coming home each night for her to read. I was very pleased that she used her de-coding skills, after I prompted her, which enabled her to get most of the words. Of cause with English language absurdities she was still trying to sound individual letters so it was impossible sometimes. From this I can see that M hasn’t quite mastered the grouping of letters that make a sound, like “ou”, “or, “ough” and all those. We will do some more re-reading of the story lines as you indicate, sometimes this is not done.

I was also so very proud of M moving ahead with the spelling test you gave her on Monday, I think, this week. She actually got through quite a few levels!