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I would like to say a big thank you for everything you have done to help my son. This time last year we had just embarked on our journey with Easyread, which has exceeded all our expectations.

Our son was at an independent school age 6 and couldn’t read or write. There was no effort on the school’s part to establish why this was the case. It was even hinted that our son was just not capable. After some pressure from us, our son was assessed and diagnosed dyslexic. Even then little effort was made to help him.

We found Easyread through Google. Liked the idea of the characters, the fact that it looked child friendly and felt comforted that we could have our money back if the course didn’t work. Well it has definitely worked!

This time last year our son would not even try and read reception books and now he is reading age appropriate books. What is even more amazing is how much he now loves reading. He has now changed school and is so excited every time school send him home with a new book and reads it on the way home in the car.

The final helicopter prize was a good motivator and my son was chuffed to bits when he received it. I would fully recommend Easyread to anyone and have frequently done so. The prizes are a good way to keep the children motivated.

Our son has frequently showed his friend’s Easyread lessons and they have all enjoyed the games and the stories. So a great big thank you from Robert and family.

– A