However, the unexpected benefit is that now she is much more engaged at school. She no longer day-dreams, plays, talks and is utterly focussed in class. Now she is able to join in, she is hard working, keen and extremely motivated.
She has also been able to translate her thoughts onto paper for the first time, as her writing and spelling have also improved now that she has started to read. At present she is choosing phonically plausible spellings, as it is still far too early to see correct spelling choices being made. She is so excited by writing, and other people being able to understand what she has written.
One sentence in her story read “There was a red chested robin singing beautifully in the tress” This is amazing writing for a 7 year old! Her teacher always maintained that she had a brilliant brain in there. Now she can demonstrate her skills in the manner that the outside world demands.
Thank you so much for devising this program, and all your support. It is so lovely to have someone to tell when she is making progress who I know wants to hear it as well. It is certainly paying dividends for Seren in more ways than we could have possibly imagined when we enrolled.
– A