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Andre is still happy to do Easyread. We have a good routine of him reading a few pages of the book series Boyz Rule with his Dad in the morning, and then we do Easyread together. Andre is not guessing with Easyread at all because he knows he will only loose a life on the game if he does!

We are very happy with Easyread and we feel that it is making a difference. We are all working together happily now, there are no battles any more and Andre is reaping the rewards. Ralf even came to me the other morning and said that Andre wanted to keep reading, and so asked me to take over since he had to go to work. Never before has Andre wanted to keep reading himself!

Also, I am buying the Boyz Rule series from a bookshop where, after buying so many books, you get a voucher for another purchase. I told Andre he could have the voucher for being so great all the time, and he could choose anything he wanted. I presumed it would be a science or craft book but he said he wanted another Boyz Rule book…a reader! I nearly fell over.

So, all is well here and thank you.

– T