Tommys reading and writing has come along leaps and bounds since using the Easyread system. We have both enjoyed the sessions and Tommy has always been enthusiastic about undertaking these. The lessons are designed to complete little and often so they never feel arduous or get boring. There is always a game at the end of each session, which feels like a reward for completing the reading part. The phonics system is fun, colourful and easy to remember. Using the decoding system alongside the spy training theme kept his interest throughout. He was very proud about receiving the certificates and always very thrilled to get gifts through the post.

David and the team are very supportive and have helped to keep us on track all the way along. The phone support was especially helpful.

The improvement in Tommy has been noted by us but also at school. His teacher feels he is well on the way now to catching up with his classmates. Because his reading has improved it means he is progress is so much more in all subjects. He still needs some support with spelling but he can read most words correctly now. We would definitely recommend Easyread!!

– M