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Tristan’s story was that he was completely unable to read any words 18 months ago. He simply could not make out how the letters formed words in his elementary school reading books and with 2 dyslexics in the family (grandfather and uncle), we were very worried he would struggle with dyslexia. The school refused to ‘label’ him and as a result we couldn’t have him assessed or get any extra help. That is when I heard about Easyread.

Tristan quickly took to the picture / letter association and slowly but surely his reading came on. Now, 16 months later, and after doing Easyread lessons 4/5 days a week, he is a ‘free reader’ at school and able to choose his own books. He can read proficiently now and his confidence has come on in leaps and bounds.

I feel very relieved to have been able to make a difference to him.

I would recommend Easyread as a very well thought through and successful learning system.

Hope that helps