ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795) { echo ''; } ?>

We are very pleased with Easyread so far. James is still enjoying it. Eyetracking was a challenge – getting him to remember to do it. We are still taking the capsules as recommended.
We have experienced some problems with the Monkey game – distorted letters and not being able to complete the task unfortunately. Not sure if this is a script error on our computer ??? Also one or two other little computer type glitches, but nothing major.
We will try to be more diligent in re-reading the text. James is still guessing sometimes, so it’s important for me to be with him during this reading time to ensure he decodes properly.
Other than that, all seems to be well and his school will be in touch with you to discuss how you can help in school. I think they are impressed!