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“Jacob had a bit of a wobble a few weeks back and wasn’t keen to do Easyread but he is back on track and doing well.

We have had issues at times with rushing and guessing long words (he does not seem to guess short/common words) and also reluctance over the characters only section. However Jacob is now readily doing all sections of the lessons and is now so good at the character only section he often works out the word before me!!

His blending has improved and he is now blending 2 consonants together such as ‘tr’ and ‘br’ etc.

There isn’t anything I don’t like about Easyread to date. I asked Jacob what is the best bit and he said the games. I asked him what he doesn’t like and he said ‘nothing’!

It seems a bit slow to start but I can see why this is (learning the characters etc). It is difficult to say if Jacob’s reading has improved. What I can say is that Jacob has got better at Easyread and he is happy to do the lessons every day when before reading was a battle. I also think it has helped his confidence as for the first time ever yesterday Jacob picked up a book voluntarily and read the whole book (32 pages).”

An Easyread review of successes and knock-backs at lesson 50 from Jacob’s mum, Sophie.

It may not always be a smooth journey to do the lessons every day, and that’s OK. If that ever happens to you, just let us know, because we are here to help.

We’re very pleased with how Jacob is progressing on the course, and we think it’s amazing that he’s reading books outside the programme before the 90 lesson “breakthrough” moment.

Way to go Jacob!