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One thing I forgot to mention in my last email was Arthur’s end of year test results at school. I had been waiting for them eagerly and somewhat nervously as I really hoped they would confirm what I felt – that Arthur’s reading skills have improved dramatically.

When the learning support teacher came to see me I honestly nearly wept! Whilst his spelling remains on the low side (definite dyslexic tendencies)it had made a significant improvement and came out as just below average. I was so pleased. However, the dramatically exciting news was that his reading comprehension (done totally unaided) had leapt from somewhere around the 90th centile to a whopping 120! Well above average!

This confirmed everything that I felt – Arthur is a bright boy who wasn’t able to access reading in the traditional way. No wonder the poor kid hated school. Thanks to Easyread he is now well on the way to fulfilling his potential and getting him there in the morning is no longer a heart-wrenching battle!

The sad thing is that it’s made me realise how much his school (independent, fee-paying) has let him down. Now I have evidence that Arthur is as bright as I’ve been saying and totally capable of achieving well. I think they thought I was an over-protective mother who thought her son was more able than he really was! I know we all think our children are fantastic but we all hope that other key adults in their lives will seek to see the best in them too.

I am so proud of him and how hard he has worked during the course.

Thanks to you and Sarah yet again. I feel I have my son back.