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William has just finished Easyread. His reading has definitely improved and just yesterday he took himself to the school library at lunchtime and started reading a Zac Power book by himself. He finished it last night at home and read another one today. I am really hoping that he just takes off and reads more books from here.

We managed to do a lesson almost every day over the past 6 months – there was some reluctance at times but he enjoyed most of it and the odd bribe of sweets helped at other times. He is often reading the easy read characters faster than I am now, and his decoding ability is so much better.

I think it has definitely helped him – he did start aged 8 and a half years and was able to read at school but was progressing slowly and was very reluctant to read. He is still aware that he doesn’t read as well as a number of boys in his class but he is now much happier to get on with his school homework reading. There has also been a definite improvement in the fluency and speed of his reading over the past 6 months. His spelling is improved and his teacher says he is writing more and faster in class too.

Thank you for your help