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Hello David,

M was very excited today on Easyread, because she received a message to say that she’s reached the end of the programme and has made it to the big prize…….the helicopter! We listened to your message which is why I’m writing to say that we are very happy to take responsibility for the super exciting big prize!!

We are so proud of M’s hard work which has brought her to this point. Easyread has been amazing for her. Her confidence in her ability to decode words has increased enormously. When she started the programme she had plateaued in her reading progress and was unable to read independently. She’s always loved books but now instead of just looking at the pictures, we listen to her reading quietly to her self and enjoying more detailed story lines. She’s no longer daunted by lots of text on the page. Instead she happily shares the reading with me and her dad and reads her part of the story with enthusiasm and skillful decoding.
My husband and I are so grateful to you for all your help and support.

M now needs support with her math work. So it’s time for us to say a huge thank you to you but we wish to finished the programme. Reading will continue as a daily joy, but her math must take priority for a little while as she has dropped behind.

We would be very grateful if you could let us know how we go about concluding Easyread.

With warm regards and the BIGGEST of thank yous