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After a worrying report from school at the end of the last academic year, we realised that Archie needed some intervention to assist him. Although he didn’t show any obvious signs of great weakness (he had an average reading ability, though lazy with difficult words/his spelling was poor/writing was acceptable, though slow). Despite him being creative and artistic, putting stories down in words proved extremely difficult for him. As a result of this, his end of year results indicated that he was performing at ‘well below the average for his age’ in English Writing, and ‘performing at an average level for his age’ in English Reading.

We came across Easyread while doing research online and decided to give it a go. Archie started the program last October and embraced it immediately. He loved the ‘Secret Agent’ element and the possibility of receiving gadgets when he met milestones. We saw a marked improvement in Archie’s performance and his self belief. After the last half-term, Archie returned to school believing that he didn’t have a spelling test that week. When it was thrust upon him and a list that he had never seen before, he was delighted to get 16 correct from 16! This would never have happened previously. We knew there had been a vast improvement, and were so proud of his achievement.

The icing on the cake came last week when we received his end of year report for this current acadmeic year. Archie has leaped from below Level 2 in his English Writing to a level 4 for this year. This indicates that he is now performing at ‘well above the expected level for his age’. His level on English Reading has gone from 3C ‘average’, to a level 4 ‘well above average for his age’ which is fantastic news.

In conclusion, I would say that Archie’s confidence and the commitment to producing good work has soared. Previously, he struggled and just didn’t believe he was capable. He now realises he can do it and throughly enjoys the recognition and satisfaction of his achievements. Easyread is the only change we have made to Archie’s learning. The 5 or 10 minutes it takes each day has without question been worth it, and nobody would agree more than our 9 year old.

Thank you so much to the Easyread team. I cannot speak highly enough of the support we have received, not to mention the results.

Best regards,
