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Yes – there is great improvement with Hunter and his reading – although we hadn’t been reading other books until very recently… He has enjoyed reading the Easyread book on space and we visited the planetarium in Greenwich last week to feed this interest. He has also been reading a page a day of a book about the solar system and he is doing it with confidence.

Hunter does reread the phrases.. up to 3 times for fluency but he doesn’t always like to do it. Sometimes he like to chat about what he’s read too, at the regular breaks in the reading section, usually when the picture pops up, which helps his understanding and keeps his interest.

He still says, sometimes, that he can’t read – which is a bit frustrating (for me). I always tell him to be positive.

Sometimes, he still guesses the word in the reread section. Like today, he sounded out the word destruction, but then in the reread section he said destroyed. I reminded him to sound out the word or click on it if he needed help to do it again and that he mustn’t guess the word, but he still does it sometimes (not all the time – but sometimes). He still also frequently says \”for\” when reading \”of\”… but this is the only word he still says like this. Sometimes he catches and corrects himself before I have the chance to.

But all in all, he is like a different boy and sounding things out when he plays his computer games and feeling proud of himself when he can read something when we are out and about.

Thank you!

All the best,