After discussion with Vivienne, it has been decided that our Easyread journey has come to an end. Thank you for helping Viv gain a love of reading that she never had before. You have a fantastic program that I have recommended to many people.

Viv’s teachers have commented that they cannot believe the incredible progress she has made in her reading. I believe we have until June 14th?thank you again.Please send me a link to write a testimonial as it has truly been amazing. Or please feel free to edit and cut what I have written in this email..

When I think back to last September as compared to where we ended up eight months later (not even) it is night and day. Viv has been so happy to work on Easyread, it was never a chore, nor difficult to get her to do the lesson. The support is fantastic.

Congratulations, you are saving parents all over the world the despair of not knowing how to help their child progress, when they know this skill just needs to be unlocked somehow. It appears you have found the key. THANK YOU!!!

– S