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Hi Easyread Team,

I thought you might like to see this!


H has finally picked up a book of her own accord and is READING! Not only is she reading, but she’s understanding what she’s reading and enjoying it! And, as if this could get any better, this is the second book she’s read in three days! We were in town yesterday and bought her the sequel to the first book so she could keep going! Her older sister commented this morning how it looked so weird to see H completely absorbed in a book – it’s usually her who’s the bookworm – but how great it is!

I would never have thought this day would come! Thank you all so much! Your program, combined with the fact that she is obviously now ready to read, has made all the difference! Hopefully this is the beginning of a long and happy relationship with reading!

Kindest regards,

p.s. We had to go and buy four more books yesterday when we were near a book shop! We are really pleased for her that her interest in reading has been ignited.