Jan 9, 2013 | DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
From tears of despair to tears of joy…Easyread was the key that unlocked Louisa’s reading and writing potential. The Problem When Louisa started school age 6 it was instantly clear that her spelling was poor compared to other children her age. By the end of the school...
Jul 23, 2012 | Parent Reviews
Louisa and I are happy about Easyread so far. I have particularly noted that her confidence and enthusiasm have grown, where before she was frustrated and almost losing hope. Her decoding is good, and what I love most is that she looks forward to the lessons! I...
Jun 6, 2012 | Parent Reviews
We really are so pleased with Keigan’s progress! Had teacher meetings last week and she said that she had three boys in her group who she ‘had her eye’ on as behind in reading and writing … and that he has blossomed in last little while and...