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Easyread has given her a lot of confidence.

As Lilihannah has finished all the books on the last shelf we are thinking it is now time to cancel her subscription. It has helped her loads and I will continue with them using real life books and a colour overlay. I don’t think that she would be at the level...

His life has changed for ever by learning to read…

Just to let you know that this time last year Hayden started Easyread at the age of 13 with a reading age of 7. During lockdown he has been reading before bed every night voluntarily and recently completed reading an entire book – something I never imagined he...

I think everyone should learn to read using this method!

QUESTION 2) Could you tell us a few things that you have liked about the course so far? 1. It is so easy to get him to do easy read because it is so much fun. 2. I love the system of learning the code to read, I think everyone should learn to read using this method!...

We wish to suspend our Easyread account…

We wish to suspend our Easyread account. When Grady started the program he was homeschooling. He started attending public school this year and is excelling. The course has helped him immensely. He just doesn’t have as much time and Ive found we keep forgetting...