Nov 12, 2014 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
Hello, I am very happy with the outcome of the course it has helped loads! THANKS LOADS!! Best wishes Elise. 🙂
Nov 5, 2014 | DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
Kais reading has definitely improved and when he is not tired is able to decode words well. His “fluency” is also improving and he can read much faster.
Oct 29, 2014 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
Dear easy read, I have been asked to send an email to you regarding my progress threw out the months. I think that my confidence has come on LOADS!!!It has helped my spelling and reading loads to. At points i really wanted to stop because i was getting annoyed but i...
Oct 29, 2014 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
Dear easy read, I have been asked to send an email to you regarding my progress threw out the months. I think that my confidence has come on LOADS!!!It has helped my spelling and reading loads to. At points i really wanted to stop because i was getting annoyed but i...
Oct 1, 2014 | Parent Reviews
We are very thankful to have found Easyread. Michael’s confidence has increased since starting. For a parent that is great to see.