Aug 11, 2014 | Parent Reviews
Nathanael has grown leaps and bounds since he has started your program. He loves your program and we recommend it to everyone we know and will continue to do so. Thank you so much for everything that you all have done! You have given him a chance at being a great...
Jul 30, 2014 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
Dear Sarah and David Thank you for my certificate. I enjoy your classes. I am finding them easy and fun. Thank you for the prizes. I am going to Scotland tomorrow for my holiday but I am hoping to keep doing your classes every day. Thank you.
May 30, 2014 | Parent Reviews
I have seen some progress in outside reading. He wrote a nearly accurate birthday note to a sibling last week–a first. He also has found that he can read the word cards for a game he plays with his sibs: Apples to Apples Jr. He was pleased when he realized he...
May 22, 2014 | Parent Reviews
She is rereading everything and seems to be enjoying the story. Lindsay is reading more of her school lessons with less help. So we are seeing improvement in small steps, but it’s encouraging. Thanks again for this wonderful program.
Apr 1, 2014 | DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
The Problem 58 year old Paul was in a serious motorcycle accident several years ago that left him with whiplash and various physical and cognitive injuries. He lost the ability to read along with other executive functions. Reading was particularly problematic, as he...