Jun 17, 2013 | Parent Reviews
New beginnings and a new burst of energy as we enter Level 3 of the Easyread system and I now see us as being on the home stretch with the reading. Thanks for being here for me over the past 18 months. Matthew and I appreciate it very much. I have noticed a change in...
May 22, 2013 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
Wills had been running away from reading his whole life. Nowadays, thanks to Easyread, he’s the leader of the pack! The Problem When it came to reading, Wills had always managed to ‘get by’ rather than really enjoying it. As far as phonics was concerned – he just...
May 14, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Just wanted to share some great news with our EasyRead team. Today in class, the teacher asked if anyone would like to volunteer to read aloud. Boldly, D. raised his hand. He selected a book and, although softly and quietly, read to his class! I was so excited to hear...
Mar 13, 2013 | Parent Reviews
We have been delighted with your support and the whole programme. William’s confidence in spelling has improved greatly and he now reads books for pleasure on occasion-which he never would have done before. He is keeping up at school in English classes. When we...
Mar 11, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Harry feels his reading has improved since doing the lessons. He has found doing the lesson on the computer a lot more enjoyable than reading a book. I also feel his reading has improved. His reading at school last year was graded at 69, this year it has gone up to...