By day 60, he came home and announced…

When we first started Easyread, I thought that I’d be getting my money back at Lesson 90. Boy, was I wrong. Before Easyread, Isaac refused to read even short words like “dog” or “cat.” The whole process had become so stressful that he ran...

Reading… before she turned 4!

You should know that almost as soon as she started looking at Peter and Jane books (the key words edition) she was reading them. Before she turned 4. Amazing. In no small part to Easyread.

Jacob is amazing and reading!

“Just as I had predicted, Easyread helped Jacob to become an excellent reader. I think at this point, we will no longer use Oxford Learning Solutions, simply because-Jacob is amazing and reading! Seriously, crushing it-thanks to Easyread. He just finished...

So professional and personable!

We both found the Skype lesson very valuable, the lady who took it (sorry am terrible with names!) was just excellent. so professional, but also personable and great at relaxing Freya and me both, with that sort of quality of staff working for Easyread it is easy to...