Aug 11, 2015 | Parent Reviews
D has enjoyed the lessons much more [since switching to the easier reads] and has commented on how short and easy they are:-) I can’t thank you enough for your suggestions and help. Also, thank you for following up with us; your company has such exemplary...
Aug 11, 2015 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
Dear Easyread, thank you for the spy glasses. Thay are a amazeing. I spied on my sisters. From victoria (typed by Victoria)
Aug 10, 2015 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
F and I are getting very excited that we have less than a week of lessons left! We can’t thank you enough for your help and support along the way. The progress in F’s reading and enthusiasm is a pleasure to see. Just tonight he said “Mummy, I’m...
Aug 10, 2015 | Parent Reviews
I just wanted to say that M is coming along really well. She is happier now to do the lessons and I can see a great improvement in her reading. She’s trying to decode when faced with an unknown word and after the eye tracking sessions it’s also much easier...
Aug 7, 2015 | Parent Reviews
Hi, Jessica went back to Easyread today after completing the course a quite a while ago. Her brother has been doing Easyread through school and she asked if she could return to it when she saw the changes to the system. He has loved the new games especially...