Aug 3, 2015 | Parent Reviews
So far we are really happy with the Easy Read program. We realize that change won’t happen over night but we are really happy with the progress so far and especially how easy and short the lessons are. This helps to keep Malcolm motivated and focused on the...
Aug 3, 2015 | Parent Reviews
S’s reading is really improving and she is now reading by herself more, am happy to stick with Easyread as it’s giving her confidence and she is really enjoying it.
Jul 31, 2015 | Parent Reviews
Again a big thanks this is a great course I recommend to many and it has certainly improved Sam’s reading. You guys do an amazing job – keep it up!!
Jul 27, 2015 | Parent Reviews
We are going to cancel Easyread for now and try and focus on finding reading material he enjoys. He has improved so much and is so much more confident now. We will be in touch again soon when little brother (4) starts reading! I would recommend the program to...
Jul 27, 2015 | Parent Reviews
I would like to thank you very much for your help with R’s reading – I am pleased to say that he is now reading fluently and more importantly, enjoying books and understanding what he sees written around him.