Jul 6, 2015 | Parent Reviews
Eloise had her school report yesterday and against everything school had said at parents evening in March Eloise passed the phonics screening test ( granted by one mark) but she achieved what they thought was impossible and increased her phonic score by 50% in about...
Jul 2, 2015 | Parent Reviews
Thank you so much. Even in only 10 lessons Darian’s attitude about reading has improved. I look forward to continuing the lessons. Have a great day.
Jun 29, 2015 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
hi sarah, i am loving easyread and looking forward to doing morre and geting better. from zoe
Jun 29, 2015 | Parent Reviews
Had a meeting with Alex’s teacher and SpLd tutor recently. They are very pleased with his much improved reading but concerned about his spelling. I advised them again that we are using EasyRead and on this occasion it was actually recorded. I told them that I...
Jun 29, 2015 | Parent Reviews
The Easyread experience has been great- and he has improved significantly with his reading. Thank you again for all your support during the course of the programme.