Jun 23, 2015 | Parent Reviews
We didn’t get the chance to do Easyread today as the girls had an inset day and I took them to Legoland. We sat on the train ride and while we were waiting, S read the sign with all the do’s and don’ts by herself – result!
Jun 22, 2015 | Parent Reviews
With regards to the programme so far, S is still enjoying it and doesn’t complain about doing Easyread at all which is a very good start. I think being on the computer is a big attraction for her and she has now got into a rhythm with reading the text and doing...
Jun 18, 2015 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
Thank you. I really love easy read and I should say thank you for helping me so much.
Jun 15, 2015 | Parent Reviews
We feel the Easyread program and Hayden have reached their goals. This program has helped our son greatly and his success is due to his hard work and this program. When we researched different programs and assistance with reading, this program matched our son on every...
Jun 12, 2015 | Parent Reviews
His reading has come along with great success over the last 6 months which has helped him in all areas.