Jun 1, 2015 | Parent Reviews
So far we have found the program very good. R is always happy to do it – which is a lot more than he used to be! His reading the symbols very easily and they are helping him I believe. Eye tracking has helped, but we should be doing it more often I think –...
Jun 1, 2015 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
We have enjoyed the Easyread program. The short lessons each day are achievable and enjoyable. To date Lily has been able to complete the requirements of the program with relative ease. I asked Lily if she had any comments about the program, the only thing she said...
Jun 1, 2015 | Parent Reviews
Hello, I think Nicole is progressing nicely and while I was not expecting any carryover into her normal reading, I do actually see that she is able to decode harder words and for the first time, decoding was not an area that was marked as “needs...
May 28, 2015 | Parent Reviews
Just a short note to let you know that Andrew received his first codeword gift – spy glasses. He is so excited and interested in becoming a “spy.” We wanted to say thank you very much for keeping him interested in reading through your wonderful...
May 26, 2015 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
I liked doing Easyread, especially the riddles at the end. I am doing great reading now.