Aug 19, 2020 | Parent Reviews
We are very happy with the progress he has made this far and the increase in his willingness to read and enjoy it. For the first time he just completed a whole chpter bok and we have now bought him the whole series. I celebrate this as a huge hurdle that has been...
Aug 19, 2020 | Parent Reviews
Just last week he picked up a book, Wings of Fire, and read several pages. He needed help on some words, but did an excellent job. We did not prompt him to do this. He picked up the book on his own accord (out of the blue) and started reading aloud. It is a book well...
Aug 19, 2020 | Parent Reviews
I was so pleased with her today. Big high fives when she whizzed through it all. I also videoed her reading tonight as she has really improved and has so much more confidence and enjoyment when reading. Thank you so so much! She’ll be very excited when I...
Aug 19, 2020 | Parent Reviews
Hi, just wanted to share something positive that happened today. Daisy came to me and said she wanted to read to me! She read a substantial amount of a book which has small text (with only a little help). Also when doing her lesson today she voluntarily chose to...
Jun 25, 2020 | Parent Reviews
I just wanted to share Oscars progress. Oscar loves to read the tree house story books by Andy Lee, and I caught him decoding for the first time ever the other night!!! I was so happy for him and proud of him. Thank you, I really feel that the program is working well...