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He loved the spy glasses …

He is much more open to learning if it is fun! He loved the spy glasses btw and said he got them from his “games that he loves” which is your programme =) – K

She is reading her own books at night for pleasure.

Her teacher has reported that she is using more complex language, and although her spelling is still interesting at times, she is making more attempts to edit her work and is recognizing misspelt words. Her reading fluency is much improved and decoding is becoming...

He went from being the disruptive boy to class star!

Ewan has made incredible progress since starting this system not just in his reading but in school life in general. He went from being the disruptive boy in class to class star. He’s general reading has also improved even just in the sense of never wanting to...

She now chooses to read for fun!

Amelie completed her last lesson today and I would like to give approval for her to receive the helicopter. Both Rick and I are thrilled with Amelie’s progress on Easyread. She now chooses to read for fun which is certainly a huge difference from the little girl...